Empowering Victorian women and children for 135 years

We are pleased to release the 135th Annual Report for The Queen's Fund for the financial year 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022. Inside, you will find a summary of the assistance we provided to single Victorian women in need and particularly those affected by the COVID-19 lockdowns.

During the worst of the pandemic, we saw a reduction in applications for assistance because for the first time in a long time, Government support packages such as JobKeeper and the JobSeeker supplement were enough in need to exist above the poverty line.

Sadly, The Queen's Fund has seen a return to pre-pandemic levels of applications for assistance this year. The number one reason why those women needed assistance was family violence. Basic necessities was the number one request for assistance and we expect that trend to continue in 2022/23 with the rise in the cost of living.

In 2022, we celebrate 135 years of The Queen's Fund. While this is a significant achievement, it is a reflection of the fact that single women, particularly those with children, remain one of the groups in our society who are in most need of help.

On behalf of the 3,814 people The Queen's Fund helped in 2021/22, we would like to thank you for your incredible generosity and support, and for helping our hardworking volunteers empower single Victorian women in need.

Mandy Wong