PLEASE READ before lodging your next application

We at The Queen’s Fund know that cost of living pressures, the rental crisis, and post-Covid global inflation are exacerbating the already fragile positions of our applicants. As always, 100% of funding donated to The Queen’s Fund goes to Victorian women in need and is sourced 100% through private donations, Trusts, and Foundations.

While we would like to support as many Victorian women in need as possible, with unprecedented demand and limited funding available, to be able to continue providing grants The Queen’s Fund: 

  • will, effective for applications submitted after 13 October 2023, reduce the maximum funding available for food vouchers, Coles, Kmart and Woolworths vouchers to $200 per applicant; and

  • may, effective for applications submitted after 13 October 2023, introduce a cap on the total number of applications accepted for funding each month. 

To ensure the limited funding available goes to those most in need, we are reminding all referring agencies that applications:

  • must be for true crisis, distress or emergency situations only; 

  • must be adequately completed, with sufficient information for The Queen’s Fund to determine why the application is an emergency and why the client cannot access alternative funding. Please see the attached sample application: Sample TQF Application Form. Please do not leave fields blank as we will not be able to assess your application without all the required information.

  • Will be prioritised with third-party payees as the preferred method of payment and will be prioritised over payments into agencies’ general funds accounts;

  • must not be for those items or services listed on our website and meet our stipulated criteria: TQF Funding Criteria (scroll down the page for our Criteria)

If an application does not meet the above criteria, it will regrettably be declined.

We would also encourage all agencies to consider funding through The Orange Door as an alternative. The Orange Door is a government agency who are extremely well-funded and offer a wide range of resources and services for women escaping Family Violence: The Orange Door

We appreciate your understanding and ongoing diligence in helping The Queen’s Fund support those most in need.

Mandy Wong